Issue 119 Suscríbete

The Biggest Fair Show in Eastern Europe - Plastpol 2017!

It’s the first year for PRM-Taiwan at Plastpol and it’s been a very interesting exhibition so far. 
Compared with other fair shows, the first day at the show usually has many visitors that try and understand the market and where to visit, then in the second and third days the interest really starts to pick up making Plastpol one of the must visit shows during the year. 

Plastpol is the biggest exhibition in Eastern Europe and with an ever expanding exhibition center(ran by Targi Kielce) Plastpol is one show not to miss if you are looking at expanding into the Eastern European market. 

The need for the Polish Language at the exhibition is something that is different to other fair shows, at Arabplast or the Kshow English is the only language that you need to communicate with all types of manufacturers and buyers. But if you don’t know Polish at Plastpol then you will struggle to sell machinery.

Many buyers here are from the local area, Poland, Slovakia, Russia, Ukraine and they don’t speak English. This means that Agents are very important in the Polish market and it’s also why many companies such as Kang Chyao, Polystar, Kai Mei and Shini are all represented by Agents at the show.

With the buyers only speaking Polish, PRM-Taiwan have recruited 5 local workers that can speak Polish and English, so if there is any type of machinery that the buyers are looking for, from Taiwan, they will have no issues in finding what they are looking for. 

This time there are not many Taiwanese manufactures at the show. But after speaking to some of the bigger Polish agents, they mention that there is a huge and growing manufacturing base in Poland. If there is one market to break into at the moment, it’s certainly the Polish market. 

One other interesting finding from this exhibition has been the differences in stand designs. Being in Europe means competing with some of the best around the world, with many special designs and different floor plans that attract all different types of customer. Mainly though, it’s the tried and trusted that matter. If you have running machinery, like Polystar, Shini and Kuang Hsing, there will always be people at your booth, looking into the different types of machinery to purchase.

It was our pleasure to be interviewed by the organisers of Plastpol, Targi Kielce