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POLYSTAR - How to Reprocess Highly Printed Films? PE, PP, BOPP

The industry of plastic has been changing and evolving over the years that’s why plastic recycling has become a necessity among plastic producers. The laws toward plastic have become stricter, which require the producers to use a higher percentage of recycled material in their final products. The benefits of these laws are for lowering the production cost of the producers and reducing the plastic waste in our environment.

POLYSTAR - PE Bag Producers Step up in Quality and Efficiency in Vietnam

The Vietnamese plastic sector has grown significantly in the past 5 years thanks to many unique advantages that the country has. The ability to produce lower cost yet good quality plastic products is ideal for export markets such as the US, Japan, Europe, Australia and Cambodia. The local market demand is also increasing in sectors such as live seafood packaging, industrial and agricultural film, in a country of large population of nearly 100 million.

POLYSTAR - Air-pelletizer Increases Reusability % Back to Bag Production

The air-cooled pelletizing recycling machine Repro-Air has proven to be a big cost-saver for two of the largest bag producers located in Solo, Indonesia – Cahaya Kharisma and Djerapah Plastindo. According to the well-known HD and LDPE bag producers, the air-pelletizing technology is even better than water-cooled recycling machines for some applications.

POLYSTAR - Blown Film Machines: New Standards for Standard Extruders

The Vietnamese plastic sector has grown significantly in the past 5 years thanks to many unique advantages that the country has. The ability to produce lower cost yet good quality plastic products is ideal for export markets such as the US, Japan, Europe, Australia and Cambodia. The local market demand is also increasing in sectors such as live seafood packaging, industrial and agricultural film, in a country of large population of nearly 100 million.

POLYSTAR vs máquinas Chinas ¿Cuál posee más beneficios?

POLYSTAR siempre ha ido a la vanguardia en máquinas como en atención al cliente, brindando asistencia posventa para el usuario. Apoyando con técnicos e ingenieros. Rodrigo ha sido prueba de este servicio “No solo me presentaron la marca, sino que me prestaron todo el apoyo técnico y logístico para que este tema también funcionara bien” menciono. Los beneficios al trabajar con POLYSTAR serán mayores en producción y calidad.

Fast Delivery and Simple Installation of Recycling Machine - A Clear Advantage for Film and Bag Producers

Multiple sets of recycling pelletizing extruders Repro-Flex have been installed in South Africa in the year of 2020, mainly for film producers and bag converters of LDPE, HDPE, PP and BOPP who process their post-industrial (factory) waste in-house.

Extrusora Polystar + Filtro FIMIC: solución simple para reciclaje post-consumo

La necesidad de un filtro automático y autolimpiante para reducir el costo de mano de obra y mejorar la eficiencia ha sido un factor clave para los recicladores profesionales post-consumo, principalmente en aplicaciones como el reciclaje de etiquetas de papel y botellas de leche o champú. La necesidad de un filtro automático y autolimpiante para reducir el costo de mano de obra y mejorar la eficiencia ha sido un factor clave para los recicladores profesionales post-consumo, principalmente en aplicaciones como el reciclaje de etiquetas de papel y botellas de leche o champú.

Máquina de Película Soplada ABA - ¿Cuál es la ventaja?

Para la producción de bolsas de PE, la máquina de película soplada de una sola capa ha sido la más utilizada. Probablemente sigue siendo la mejor máquina para productos como las bolsas de frutas y verduras (bolsa perforada en rollo) en las que se utilizan principalmente materiales vírgenes con un espesor de película reducido que va de 6 a 15 micrones. La máquina de una sola capa es también la opción preferida para la producción de bolsas biodegradables.

Taipei Pack 2020 - POLYSTAR Provides Simple Recycling Solutions for Flexible Packaging Film

POLYSTAR will demonstrate its latest developments on pelletizing technology during the upcoming exhibition Taipei Pack 2020, providing simple yet efficient recycling solutions for a wide range of industrial waste from the plastic packaging sector